Vince is an experienced front-end developer with a strong skill set in bridging the gap between system complexity and user-friendly interfaces, particularly from an enterprise perspective
Proto_types in JS for season developers · A prototype is an object to which the search for a particular property can be delegated. Prototypes are a...
Polymorphism in other languages like Java, C++ can also represent itself in the form of Typescript( AKA: enhancement of Javascript eco-system) · Let's...
React native for React developers · How react-native works ? We have JS land and native platform code(IOS, android) We have a React-native bridge to...
A constant is not a constant in JS · It's true that we never have the real constant in JS like in any other language out there (Java, C#, etc.), you name...
Algorithms for interviews · Sort (array data structure) 💡 All of these sorts are based on index key(number) to swap values Base-case for these smart...
Data structures for interview's quick peek · I've covered the basic data structure that has been provided by JS in this blog. You can find more about it...